Doctoral Degree Candidates
In addition to the general procedures outlined, the student must:
Have earned a Masters degree from a recognized college or institution with the appropriate major.
If the Master’s degree does not have the appropriate Biblical major, or if in the estimation of the Seminary, the student needs reinforcement in identified subjects, the Seminary reserves the right to prescribe remedial work in needed areas before granting Doctoral candidate status.
Submit a full set of transcripts of all colleges and/or graduate schools attended. Catalogs may be requested from those schools listed on the transcripts.
Write a dissertation and defend it in person. It must be typewritten, double-spaced, and not less than 150 pages. It is to cover new topics in the student’s field or measurably build upon established works. At least 20,000 pages of text must have been read and at least fifty (50) reference books are to be included in the bibliography. Three (3) professionally bound copies are to be provided to SFTS. All dissertations become the property of the Seminary, are added to the library, and may not be published without a prior written authorization of the Seminary.
To learn more about the graduate programs, click on these Academics, Catalog and Doctoral Degree links.
Contact SFBC&TS by telephone or email Admissions for more information.
Doctorate Degree
Doctorate Degrees
The Doctoral degrees are the culmination of Seminary studies. The Doctoral degree is a professional degree, specifically designed to equip the prospective student in the areas of Pastoral; Evangelistic; Missiology; and Seminary teaching ministry, and Counseling. To learn more about the doctoral program, click on the Academics and Catalog links.
Doctor of Ministry (Not accepting New Students)
Doctor of Religious Education (Not accepting New Students)