Q: Your site seems to indicate there is a difference between South Florida Bible College and South Florida Theological Seminary. What is the difference?
A. South Florida Bible College is the institution recognized to grant undergraduate degrees, such as associate and baccalaureate degrees. South Florida Theological Seminary is the institution recognized to grant graduate degrees, such as masters and doctoral degrees.
Q: Your web site indicates your programs are available to international students. Are any countries or students barred from “attending” your college or seminary?
A: Absolutely not. Any international student may inquire of the college or seminary regarding admission and matriculation. All interested individuals, regardless of creed, nationality, or religious affiliation, are welcome to apply and attend, either on-campus or through the Online program.
Q: Do you offer life learning experience for course credit?
A: Yes. To inquire further on this subject, please email us (at Inquiry).
Q: What is the cost per credit hour at this institution?
A: At this time, it is US per credit hour for undergraduate on-campus and online courses. Please visit our Tuition Page for more details, as some programs are more per credit than other. We are currently ranked Top 10 in the country in affordability for students to graduate as debt free as possible.
Q: How many students do you have?
A: Currently we have approximately 800 students at this time.
Q: Your site states you offer “non-denominational” instruction/curricula. Does this mean your curricula is in any way critical or detrimental to “denominational” churches, religious organizations, or beliefs?
A: Not at all. Our curricula is designed to enhance and augment any Christian denominational faith, irrespective of theological practice, belief, tenets, or secular doctrine. We educate the students and let the churches indoctrinate.
Q: What does “CEU” mean?
A: “CEU” stands for “Continuing Education Unit.” CEUs provide professionals and specific skill individuals with formal recognition “credits” for their training efforts to update or broaden their knowledge or skills through participation in programs in their field of study or vocation. For additional information, contact your company’s Training Department, or contact SFBC.
Q: My question is not answered on this page. How can I obtain an answer to my inquiry?
A: Please contact us by telephone, email, or send us an Inquiry. If your inquiry warrants listing on this FAQs page, we will add it to assist others.